Thursday, 1 May 2014

Composite Images

     For this assignment I really wanted to create depth and portray emotion through my images as opposed to having a more contemporary composite image which throws many different pieces together that don't always have real significance to the concept or depiction. 
    I think my first image portrays just what I desired. My concept for the composite was to represent a road of journey thats long and strenuous but worthwhile in the end. This journey is represented in my image by the mountainous trail to which the girl in the foreground is about to take and the orange and yellow sky represents hope and clarity of what's beyond the fog as the sun rises. 

Midnight Mist
Sweet Noel

1 comment:

  1. Wow! "Voyager" is an amazing image! thanks for showing the component parts. You've blended the layers extremely well and have used colour fabulously to unify the image and create a mood. Your technical skills and aesthetic sense are outstanding. Now...if only you would read the rubric. This time you were to "explain the concept and techniques". Your classmates would benefit from seeing how yo created this image. Do you feel like showing the layers and explaining with the data projector sometime?
