Thursday 24 April 2014

Digital Painting

      In my first digital abstract painting named "Mechanism" I used a monochromatic color scheme of shades of green to add dimension and create a 3D futuristic look. The image combines harmony in the monochromatic greens with a sharp contrast of dark and light shades and soft and hard shapes. The greens are used to ignite excitement in the viewers as hope of the future holds unforeseen promises.
 I used a range of digital painting techniques such as designing the shapes to create the focal point which is incorporated into the rule of thirds by being off to the left of the image as well as using gradients and various brushes to create the painting. The concept of this image was to create a modern, cutting edge piece so the focal point can be taken literally as "cutting edge" since the shapes that create it are extremely sharp. The focal point draws your attention to the left side of the image and the gradient guides the viewer's eyes straight to the shape.
Eye of the Beholder
     In this digital painting named "Eye of the Beholder" I took inspiration from the image to the left which I found on a digital painting website. Instead of over painting an eye I started from scratch and painted the entire eye using a wide variety of brushes and tones of colour, especially in the skin. The image captures intermediate colors of blue-violet and tones of yellow-orange which are soft variations of complimentary colours. The focal point is the detailed iris and pupil of the eye which pull the viewers attention to the middle of the image. I had originally finished with the image on the right but decided to alter and deepen the colors to make a bigger impact upon first glance and overall make                                                                              the digital painting look more realistic. 
     I decided on changing the color of the eye to a deep blue because it represents feelings of disappointment and grief which eyes can reveal so well through emotion. People say an image is worth a thousand words, and I believe the emotion an eye holds is worth just the same. This digital painting was definitely the most time consuming and difficult out of the 3 I completed but I'm very pleased with the result.

Depth of Mind
       I chose to do another abstract image for my final digital painting entitled "Depth of Mind", which uses a range of monochromatic and analogous colours that blend together harmoniously. The choice of deep purples and blues represent the deeper, distraught side of the mind and spirit that fades to the focal point of the brighter light tones of blue which represent the relaxation of the mind. The focal point is the representation of this calm state because its the relief of stress which surrounds our lives in the deep blue colours. I considered the rule of thirds by having the focal point slightly off centre and on a diagonal to signify that the journey to peace of mind is askew and not always perfect. The orbs of color reinforce this symbolization through pieces which are faded, that represents parts of our life which shouldn't be focused on or be worried about, and pieces which are clear and in focus, that represent the important things in life that leave us content and should be focused on.  

50 Shade of Carefree
     I ended up doing another version of  "Depth of Mind" entitled "50 Shades of Carefree" which follows along with the symbolism of states of mind. I chose this title because the rainbow of bright colours represents a child like cheerfulness and incorporates more in focus orbs which signify a mind free of worries. 

Note - the posting is giving me difficulties and that is why I wasn't able to have my write up posted on time. The text editing also won't let me disable highlighting which is very frustrating so I apologize for any troubles you may having reading my write up.


  1. Teagan, it is Sunday and it looks like you have not finished posting your reflection. I am not in class Monday and the new task is on the class blog. Can you please finish this posting so I can wrap up the digital painting assessment?

  2. Your images are fabulous and your reflection is superior. Did you recently change the background of your blog to black? Is that why the text is so hard to read? Can you please change the background to something lighter so you can write in clear black text. Impressive images.

    1. Thank you, and I will change it but that isn't the reason why my text is in white. The posting automaticall highlights all the text and there is no option or way to unhighlight it.
