Friday 4 April 2014

Group Art Installation Rubric

       For this project, my group included Jamie, Emily, Carter, Daniel, and myself. After looking at the slideshow Mrs. Reidel showed us, we decided we wanted to do origami for our mobile because we thought it was relatively easy to learn how to make and the butterflies would flow well for the desired effect of a mobile.

       As a team we discussed our colour theme, balance and focal point. We decided we wanted our butterflies to be separated by warm and cool colours and have two larger origami butterflies in the middle as our focal point. Since we had warm and cool colours separated into two groups, we chose one of the large butterflies to be red and the other to be blue to co-inside with the colour scheme.

       Personally when I think of mobiles, I think of the ones that hang above babies cribs, so I suggested to the group we balanced our butterflies on something circular to replicate the look. We were provided a hola hoop to hang the origami and hung them at different levels to give the affect that they were flying, as apposed to strings of butterflies hanging straight.
       One aspect of the project my group was especially pleased with was the movement of our piece. Every butterfly hanging swayed ever so slightly and we thought we really captured the purpose of our project because of this.

       A couple of challenges we faced while creating our mobile were teaching everyone how to create the origami in the first place, and making sure everyone in our group was working towards finishing the project by completing an assigned task. It took a lot of communication and patience to get every group member to be as productive as possible to finish on time.

       In the end, my group was really pleased with the outcome of our project and felt accomplished after all the hard work we had put into it had paid off!


  1. Hey Teagan, I agree that your project was very successful. It is colourful and moves with the slightest breeze. I had hoped that you would mention Alexander Calder in your reflection, and naming the exact colours demonstrates your understanding of terms like warm/cool. I did observe the communication within your group. I saw your leadership and it was clear who was not fully engaged in the activity. Keep up the good work.
